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Veneers Before & After

Dr. Patty’s Case of the MONTH: This section is to showcase Dr.Patty’s talent when it comes to completing high-end cosmetic dental cases that Dr. Patty does everyday at the boutique!

Can you tell how many veneers he has? Veneers should blend with your natural teeth and not be noticeable if you are only having a few teeth veneered. Dr. Patty can determine in a simple consultation how many you need to get the smile you desire.

The Process: Most clients undergo a KOR Whitening process in order to whiten the teeth as much as possible, then undergo cosmetic shaving to prepare the teeth. Temps are worn generally 1-2 weeks, while your new smile is being custom designed. This client particularly had dental fear and underwent all his procedures with IV Sedation.

When is NOW a good time to correct or enhance your smile? Have questions about your smile or veneers? Call to schedule your private consultation with Dr. Patty today.