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Fort Lauderdale Emax Veneers –  Fort Lauderdale, FL

Emax Veneers

At Dr. Patty’s Dental Boutique & Spa, we help you choose the right dental veneers to correct your smile and enhance your life. Emax Veneers are a porcelain option distinguished by their strength and the ability to enhance multiple teeth in a single piece.

Emax Veneers are a Strong Option for Customized Smile Enhancement

If correcting the smile you present to the world requires improving the look of several teeth, consider this type of porcelain veneer composed of a monolithic lithium disilicate ceramic material. This substance provides excellent strength and durability.
Very thin and strong, these veneers can be made in a single piece instead of needing to be bonded together. High stain resistance and translucency make them a popular option for our clients. However, their material is bulkier and heavier than other veneers.

Benefits of Emax Veneers

These veneers provide smile enhancement with a number of benefits:

    • They can be used on multiple teeth at once, providing a uniform and balanced smile.
    • The translucency closely mimics natural teeth, ensuring a natural-looking result.
    • They require less preparation than many other types of veneers, preserving more of your natural tooth structure.
    • Superior stain resistance means your smile stays brighter for longer.
    • They are long-lasting, durable, and strong, making them a reliable choice for smile enhancement.

Book Your Emax Veneers Appointment Today!

Transform your smile with confidence at Dr. Patty’s Dental Boutique & Spa, where we specialize in high-quality Emax Veneers. Call us now at 954-524-2300 or visit our contact page to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a brighter smile.
Don’t just take our word for it, see what our satisfied customers have to say by checking out our reviews on Google Maps.

Differentiating Porcelain Veneers from Other Veneer Options We Offer

We often use Composite or 3D Printed Resin veneers to address issues with multiple teeth, but these options do not have the strength, durability, or natural appearance of porcelain veneers. By contrast, Emax veneers provide the strength, durability, and beauty of porcelain to address complicated dental scenarios involving multiple teeth.

However, Emax veneers are bulkier and heavier than other veneers, so they may not always be the best option. Emax veneers may not be as effective at covering dark teeth. Discuss your goals with your dentist to determine the right mix of veneer features that will be right for you.

Emax Veneers Can Address Multiple Teeth in a Single Piece

Many types of veneers must be bonded together in order to enhance multiple teeth at the same time. In contrast, Emax veneers can cover several teeth using only a single piece.

With Emax veneers, you gain the benefits of beautiful, strong, high-quality porcelain veneers without requiring several pieces to cover several teeth.

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Less Preparation for a Long-Lasting Smile Solution

Emax veneers do not involve as many steps as some other types of veneers that often require several weeks of waiting and return visits. Perhaps most notably, Emax veneers require less preparation on the tooth itself, which means less discomfort during the process.

Let us know if you prefer a veneer option that involves less preparation, as we offer a wide variety of veneers to address a range of purposes that are both practical and cosmetic.

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Contact Dr. Patty’s Dental Boutique & Spa in Fort Lauderdale, FL to Discuss Whether Emax Veneers are the Right Smile Enhancement Option for You

We want to help you restore and enhance your smile in a way that is convenient while aligning with your dental needs and your cosmetic ambitions. The first step is to contact our office in Fort Lauderdale by phone — or by filling out our online form.

Call us today to schedule a complimentary consultation. We will assess your dental needs in our relaxed, spa-like atmosphere and make plans to restore your beautiful smile.

General Dentistry | Fort Lauderdale, FL | Dr. Patty Dental

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