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Types Of Dental Sedation In Fort Lauderdale, FL | 954-524-2300

Types Of Dental Sedation In Fort Lauderdale, FL

Have an upcoming dental appointment and anxious about it? Maybe thoughts about the appointment won’t stop happening, like the fear of the instruments, and something accidentally going wrong. These types of anxious patients are not alone. Going to the dentist is a scary experience for countless people. That is why this office offers anxiety-free dentistry.

What does this mean exactly? This office offers sedation as an option for patients to get the treatments they need without being afraid throughout the procedure. Here are the sedation dentistry options available to patients in Fort Lauderdale, FL.


Three Anxiety Easing Options

There are multiple levels of sedation available in Fort Lauderdale, FL, depending on what each patient is looking for and the procedure they need. There are numerous options available at this office to provide the strength and security patients need to get through their procedure.

Oral Sedation

One sedation option available at this office is oral sedation. Oral is usually taken an hour before the procedure. Depending on the potency of the prescription though, one may have to take it closer to the appointment. This sedation option will decrease anxiety and help ensure that patients do not feel anything during their appointment.

Nitrous Oxide

For those who are uncomfortable taking medication or are wanting more potent options, nitrous oxide is an option available. Sometimes referred to as “laughing gas”, nitrous oxide is a gaseous medication inhaled via a nasal mask. Whilst patients will remain conscious throughout the procedure, they will be in a relaxed state throughout. This type of sedation quickly wears off, allowing patients to drive themselves home after the procedure.

IV Sedation

Finally, there is the IV sedation option. As implied by the IV, this medication is administered intravenously. This sedation is the most potent option offered at this office, taking patients into a sleeplike state that they remain in throughout the procedure.

Not only will this put patients to sleep, the amnesia effects make it so patients do not remember what occurred during the procedure. This option is usually used for patients with severe anxiety and for complex procedures. With some lasting effects, patients will need someone to drive them home after.


Have Safe Anxiety-Free Procedures!

If you are worried about your next dental appointment, worry no longer in Fort Lauderdale, FL! With sedation dentistry available in Fort Lauderdale, FL, you can have all your dental procedures done anxiety-free. Plus, with a doctor like April Patterson, also known as Dr. Patty, you can feel confident in your procedure as well.

With training at one of the best dental schools in the country, Dr. Patty has helped countless patients achieve the cosmetic dentistry of their dreams. Get in contact with Dr. Patty and our team at Dr. Patty’s Dental Boutique & Spa to schedule an appointment today! Live confidently and without fear of the dentist by trying sedation dentistry.